Monday, April 11, 2005

First Wave Intact

Welcome to the blog that will track my progress through Europe - and hopefully create something that I can look back on in the future fondly. After last time when my delightful web-hosting company summarily deleted all the content on before I archived it and I lost all of my posts from the castle, I figure why not use a more reliable source this time. I'll update here instead of doing mass e-mails, and hopefully be able to post pictures. Drop me e-mail at if you feel the urge - there is nothing better than getting e-mail abroad, it makes the daily stop at the internet cafe almost worthwhile!



Blogger Lawyerlike said...

Say hi to Spain for me. And tell Greece it still owes me 10 euros after ripping me off for a lunch. (p.s. don't ever eat at Quick Pita)

Look forward to the posts!

10:44 AM  

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