Monday, May 16, 2005

Seville: Where Hilary made me change the original heading of this post

Hey Team,

Well originally this post was titled "Seville: Better than Bad" in a hilarious homage to the Ren and Stimpy "Log" song ... you know ... "log, log, it´s better than bad it´s good" ... but anyways, apparently that was a "terrible" title, so there we have it.

But seriously, Seville has been awesome. Take a look at the shots below for some examples of what I mean - uploading and blogging those photos took about an hour so I have very little time to write this ... but suffice it to say Seville has been incredible: great parks, great cathedral, a festival of Catelonian culture that ran all week-end while we were here, and a 9th century Islamic fortress all combine for a great experience .. moving on tomorrow to Cordoba!



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