Monday, July 18, 2005

Norway: Live for the moment!

I saw that slogan on a postcard yesterday and thought "if only I knew how!" - but today, after para-gliding, I think I've got it figured out.

So we're here in Voss (the extreme sports capital of Norway), and today (as I mentioned above) we took advantage and went paragliding (no more comments in parantheses after this).

So, for those who are unsure of what this entails, here goes:
1) You and your instructor strap yourselves to a thin, stylized parachute that is joined to a boat, sitting in the nearby lake
2) The boat takes off and you run as fast as you can after it until your parachute fills and you are lifted into flight
3) The boat tows you, slowly letting out cable until you are 3000 (!!!) feet above the earth
4) The instructor pulls the rip cord and you are gliding free

So after this is takes about 15-20 minutes to glide down to earth, and you get to steer the rig, the instructor takes you through a couple easy turns, some harder ones, and finally a death spiral (during which I almost blacked out) before you hit the ground running and end it.

It was amazing ... the scenery in Norway (Fjords, snow-covered mountains, lakes, etc.) is mind-blowing from the ground, nevermind 3000 feet up. Definitely an experience to remember.


Home in 11!



Blogger Lawyerlike said...

I know it's summer and all, but how can that water by warm? My guess is that all Norwegians paraglide everywhere instead of swimming in that ice.

Where are the pics??

7:31 PM  

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