Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Words I know in Spanish (Alternate title: "Opinión hola a mi pequeño amigo")

Hi everyone ... it´s been an amazingly action packed last few days, but we´re also wrapping up Spain, so I´m not sure whether to go with the ´detailed exploits´ or ´sweeping vista´ blog post. So maybe a little bit of both ...

From the details category, in the last 5 days I have done the following things:
- seen Picasso´s Guernica
- gone to a Real Madrid game
- visited Gehry´s unreal Guggenheim museum in Bilbao
- partied at an 8-floor superclub in Madrid where drinks were €10 (!!!)
- found out that I have been saying the same phrase wrong repeatedly for 3 weeks..

that last point segues perfectly into the next area I want to cover: words I know in Spanish ... hopefully this will give you an idea of what I´ve been up to.
- 100, or 200, grams - when ordering meat or cheese ... this is what I´ve been saying totally wrong on a pretty much daily basis for 3 weeks, I found out from a helpful bilingual bystander a couple of days ago
- ham
- cheese
- apple
- orange
- banana (sort of)
- bread
- sorry - I use this the most often
- excuse me - second most often
- hello - (hint: the ´h´ in ´hola´ is silent)
- thank you ... although pronoucing graçias is harder than you might think
- and
- or
- beer
- red wine

so, as you can see, aside from eating I am basically toast ... haha, toast, get it? ah...

So today, we took the bus from Bilbao to Madrid ... now these bus rides are cheaper, usually faster, and more luxurious than the train, and they always show a movie. It´s usually some random 80s movie dubbed into Spanish that we´ve never heard of (for instance, some great classic starring Ted Danson, and a pre-CSI William Peterson a couple of days ago), but today it was ... get this ... Scarface. Yep, the all-time violence and swearing kingpin is the in-bus movie - this is classic Spain. Anyways, as you´ll notice in the headline, some of the classic Pacino lines were pretty solid translated into Spanish.

Okay, that´s what I´ve got. Tomorrow we fly to Athens via London, and begin a new chapter in the trip ...

stay classy everyone

P.S. If you want to check out a video message Hil and I recorded at the Guggenheim and sent to our parents, click here.


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