Sunday, July 24, 2005

Probably the last post ...

Hey all who check here ...

We're in Stavanger, in southern Norway, with 5 days to go. We've got one more night here, then an overnight train to Oslo, another overnight to Copenhagen airport, a flight to London, two nights there, and then home ...

It will certainly be interesting going to London for 2 nights. By all accounts the atmosphere in the city is very tense. Despite all logical reassurances about probability, etc. I'm sure our rides on the tube will be at least somewhat frightening. But what do you do?

Anyways, that's occupying a small portion of our collective minds, but mostly we're just enjoying Norway. We went on a brilliant hike yesterday to a giant piece of granite called Preikestolen, or The Pulpit Rock. You can see a picture of it (not one that I took or anything) over on the side there ... it was absolutely unreal. 604m (approx. 2000 ft.) high, with sheer cliffs on three sides down to the Fjord below. When we were up there we were actually above the clouds, giving us a very interesting cloudscape to look over. Wow.

It's a little chilly today so we're just kind of hanging out ... have a couple points of interest to look into today and tomorrow - unfortunately Norway absolutely shuts down on Sundays ... no stores of any kind are open, and even many restaurants are closed.

Anyways, it's been amazing ... see you all soon.



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