Friday, May 13, 2005

Hey team,

Well we are here in beautiful Granada at a fantastic hostel that has free internet. So I´ve got a little time here to give an update on life in Spain. Also, a few pictures that I managed to upload (only 4) are coming in a couple of minutes in the next post.

So ... when I last left you we were in Valencia. We caught the second half of the virgin mary festival the next day, and it was great - orchestra, choir, etc. in the main city square. Also we visited this massive art and science center, which houses Europe´s largest aquarium. It was very cool - looked like something out of star trek. Here´s the site, click on photo gallery, it will blow you away.

So next we had a one-night stopover in Alicante, basically a resort town, a lot of hotels on a beach. It was a really nice break, had a night in a real hotel, layed on the beach ... good times.

Now we´re in Granada, so far it´s amazing ... the hostel is called Oasis and it is. Great people, good times. We went on a tapas tour last night which was great .. in these tapas bars you buy a drink for €1.50 and you get an appatezier included with it ... quite the deal.

We´re about to head to Alhambra, so I´ll sign off - the pictures that are coming are mostly from Barcelona, so are a bit old - hopefully I´ll be at an internet cafe with a compact flash card reader again at some point ...

Hope everyone´s doing well ... let me know what you´re up to. Hil will post soon she says.



Blogger Lawyerlike said...

Valencia, Alicante, Granada... did you steal mine and Jamie's Spain itinerary when you left the Castle? ;)

Don't leave without trying Alhambra beer. Or if you get to Cordoba, get Mezquita beer. That stuff is like moonshine.

4:57 PM  

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